Monday, March 14, 2011

Tasty Tuesday

There are a few times I've posted recipes on Elasticpantcity that were not perfected and I immediately regretted publishing something that wasn't guaranteed to turn out amazing. 

This smoothie recipe is fool proof because you can add whatever quantity of ingredients to meet your personal taste preferences. This recipe is a super start to your day because it is a quick, healthy energy booster. 

For two people I add two bananas and then a handful of everything else (So vague, I know but trust me it works). The recipe includes raw coconut, ground flaxseed, dried dates (for sweetness), hemp seeds (for protein), plain yogurt, and raw almonds. I sometimes add raw cocoa for extra chocolaty flavour. Once everything is in the blender I add water according to how thick I want the smoothie to be. 

I always like to mention blogs that inspire me and I really enjoy how Cupcakes and Cashmere features home-cooked recipes along with style, travel, home decor, etc.  Checkout this blog for some delicious ideas.

A few yummy treats from Cupcakes and Cashmere.

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